New Release

New Release

Itโ€™s time to
Trim the Tree

I love decorating for the holidays, and the Trim the Tree patterns were inspired by my love of big, bright, colorful string lights. Both patterns feature a staggered light motif that uses an alternating background meant to mimic the layers of a tree.

Whether you enjoy using all the colored lights or prefer a more traditional palette, the Trim the Tree patterns will make you feel festive all season long without even needing to decorate. This motif only ever uses two colors at a time, so this is a fun knit that works up quickly!

Shop my latest patterns

Not the Worst(ed) Knitting podcast

Want even more behind the scenes info on what Iโ€™m working on? Be sure to check out my weekly podcast over on YouTube for a sneak peek of my latest knitting, designing, and crafting projects.

Follow me on Instagram @meeshyfrazz